
Refined version of spaces; lofted at more intervals to add detail. Starting to look at David’s space versus Michele’s and will be building Gabrielle and Marion’s soon! I should note these are created from the extents of their arms at the tip of the hand-essentially seeing their space as the area within the boundaries they’ve created. Because of this, you’ll see a horizontal form emerging from most of the dancers, but I’m finding the nuance comes within the overall extents to which they use the motion capture ‘stage’ the vertical range, and the regularity or unevenness to the overall shape (ie. fluid v erratic movements). We could start to locate specific words within these volumes to see the spaces that relate to those words and even when multiple words are linked to a particular space-which words or segments of text initiate a revisiting of the same space?


Find Your Way_Michele

Find Your Way _ David

Find Your Way_David


Find Your Way_Gabrielle

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